With Articles Anywhere for Joomla! 4, you can display any data of the author and modifier of the article.

To simply show the name of the user that wrote the article:

{article title="Lions"}[author]{/article}

To simply show the name of the user that last modified the article:

{article title="Lions"}[modifier]{/article}

But you can get more specific! All the author and modifier data can be entered with the author: and modifier: prefixes respectively.

For example, [author:id] will output the ID of the author, while [modifier:alias] will output the alias of the modifier.

With the Pro version of Articles Anywhere, you can also output data of the currently logged-in user (visitor of the page). This is done with the user: prefix.

List of Data Tags J4

Check out the Full List of Data Types available for every user data at your disposal.

author Peter The name of the author of the article. If set, the "Created by Alias" will take precedence over the name of the user.
author:name Peter Van Westen The name of the user that is the author of the article (the "Created by" user).
peter The ID, username and email of the author of the article (the "Created by" user).
author:id-alias Peter The alias set in the "Created by Alias" field of the article.
2020-11-08 19:07:00 Any other user data of the author. It must match the name of columns or attributes available in the database.
modifier or modifier:name Andy The name of the article modifier (the "Modified by" user).
andy The ID, username and email of the article modifier (the "Modified by" user).
2020-11-08 19:07:00 Any other user data of the modifier. It must match the name of columns or attributes available in the database.
user:id PRO 465 The ID of the currently logged-in user (visitor of the page). This will be 0 if the visitor is not logged in.

user:email PRO

Peter Van Westen, peter The name, username and email of the currently logged-in user (visitor of the page).
user:guest PRO false A true/false value based on whether the current visitor is a guest (true) or is logged-in (false).
etc. PRO
2020-11-08 19:07:00 Any other user data of the logged-in user. It must match the name of columns or attributes available in the database.

Author Layout J4

By default, Articles Anywhere will output the Author name as plain text.

However, you can decide to show it in the same style used in the full article view, by outputting it through its respective layout:

[author layout="true"]

The default layout used to render it is located at this path:


Alternatively, in the data tag you are also able to override the default layout with a different one.

You can use this default file as your starting base, copy this file to templates/[my template]/html/layouts/joomla/content/info_block/my-author-layout.php, and edit the code to meet your needs.

Now, in the data tag, you can set to use the alternative layout by inserting the path to your file starting from the layouts folder of your template. The subdirectories must be separated with dots:

[author layout="joomla.content.info_block.my-author-layout"]