Access-Restricted Articles
By default Articles Anywhere will not show articles that are access restricted. This means, articles with an access level not matching the users access level.
But you may want to show the titles or some alternative text to visitors that don't have access to the article.
To achieve this, you must first make sure the restricted articles will be collected and output by Articles Anywhere.
You can either switch on the global Ignore Article Access Level
setting in the Articles Anywhere system plugin settings, or override this setting via the {article}
or {articles}
{articles category="Lizards" ignore-access="true"}
Then you can use the has-access
value in the If Structures to conditionally output alternative content.
This example will show a list of linked titles, but show an unlinked title with extra text for restricted articles:
{articles category="Fruit" ignore-access="true"}
{if has-access}[link][title][/link]
{else}[title] (Please log in to read)
Orange (Please log in to read)
Peach (Please log in to read)
Unpublished Articles
By default Articles Anywhere will not show articles that are unpublished or archived.
In case you do want to also show these articles, you can change this setting in the Articles Anywhere system plugin settings, or override this setting via the {article}
or {articles}
{articles category="Lizards" ignore-state="true"}
To only show archived articles, you can specify the article status with the state
attribute: archived state is represented by a 2 value (while "unpublished state" is represented by a 0 value).
{articles state="2" ignore-state="true"}
Similarly to the above example, here you can use If Structures with the is-published
value to check whether an article is published and conditionally output alternative content:
{articles category="Fruit" ignore-state="true"}
{if is-published}[link][title][/link]
{else}[title] (This article is not published)
Orange (This article is not published)
Peach (This article is not published)
Articles in Different Languages
By default Articles Anywhere will not show articles that are language restricted. This means, articles with a language not matching the current active language.
In case you do want to show articles of all languages, you can change this setting in the Articles Anywhere system plugin settings, or override this setting via the {article}
or {articles}
{articles category="Lizards" ignore-language="true"}