The Pro version allows you to use an XML File instead of the Search/Replace fields when setting up a replacement.

With an XML file, you can define multiple replacements / items within just one file.This makes it very easy to create and manage bulk replacements.

The settings specified in the ReReplacer item that uses an XML file will be used for all the replacements / items contained in the file. Or, you can also overrule the settings per each individual replacement in the XML file.

This makes it possible to even set up multiple replacements inside each of the replacements contained in the XML file, by using the "Treat as List" setting.

Below you can find an example XML File, to get an idea of which syntax is needed to put it together.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<name>Example XML file for ReReplacer</name>
	<description>This is an example file to show you how to build up an xml file with multiple replacements for ReReplacer.</description>
			<search>Some replacement</search>
			<replace>with extra overruling parameters</replace>
				<param name="area" value="everywhere" />
				<param name="enable_tags" value="1" />
			<search>A ([r|R])egular [e|E]xpression search</search>
			<replace>And 1eplacement</replace>
				<param name="regex" value="1" />
				<param name="casesensitive" value="1" />
			<!-- Wrap text with html tags in <![CDATA[ and ]]>
			<search><![CDATA[replace something with <strong>HTML</strong>]]></search>
			<replace><![CDATA[with <u>something</u> else]]></replace>
			<!-- Escape characters in values, like: < > "
				<param name="between_start" value="<div class="start">" />
				<param name="between_end" value="</div>" />