The Tabs & Accordions extension is packed with options, giving you control over how the tabs look and behave. Here is the full list of the options you can find in the Tabs & Accordions system plugin settings:


Theme Select the default theme.
FREE Options: Neutral (default), Custom
PRO Options: Neutral (default), Accent Lines, Colorful, Dark, Light, Lines, Lines Colorful, Minimal, Pills, Pills Colorful, Pills Dark, Pills Light, Pills Minimal, Custom
Dynamic Heights Select to make the height of the active tab handle larger than the other tabs.
This option does not have an effect on all themes.
Color Panels Select to apply colors to the background of the panels, when using colors.
This option does not have an effect on all themes.
Load Stylesheet Select to load the extensions stylesheet. You can disable this if you place all your own styles in some other stylesheet, like the templates stylesheet.

Tab Handles

Positioning Select the positioning (placement) of the handles.
Options: Top, Bottom, Left, Right
Alignment Select the alignment of the handles.
Options: Left, Center, Right, Justify



Automatically Switch Tabs to Accordions

Switch to Accordions Select to automatically convert tabs to accordions on narrow screens.
Base on Width of Select the element to base the width on.
Options: Element; Window; Screen
Break Point The width in pixels the screen is considered as wide.
Default: 576

Animations PRO


Select whether the panels should animate when being opened/closed.
Options: Fade; Slide

Speed Set the speed of the animation effects.
1 = slow; 10 = fast


Mode Select whether the tabs/accordions should change on mouse click or hover.
Options: Click; Hover
Fit Buttons Select how to fit the tab buttons when there are to many to fit the available width.
Options: Scroll; Wrap
Speed Set the speed of the scrolling effect.
1 = slow; 10 = fast

Page Scrolling PRO

Top Scrolling: The page will scroll so that the tab or accordion is visible at the top of the view.

Adaptive Scrolling: The page will only scroll if the tab or accordion is not completely in view. If it is completely outside the view or partially visible at the top, it will scroll to the top. If it is partially visible at the bottom, it will scroll to the bottom.

Scroll on Open If selected, the window will scroll to the tab/accordion when it gets opened.
Options: No; Adaptive; Top
Scroll on Links If selected, the window will scroll to the tab/accordion when it is opened via a link.
Options: No; Adaptive; Top
Scroll by URL If selected, the window will scroll to the tab/accordion when it is opened via the URL.
Options: No; Adaptive; Top
Scroll Offset Top The scroll offset in pixels.
Scroll Offset Bottom The scroll offset in pixels.
Use Separate Wide Screen Offsets If selected, separate scroll offsets will be used for wide screens.

Slideshow PRO

Slideshow Interval The time each tab/accordion should show before going to the next (in milliseconds).
Restart Select to make the slideshow restart after a certain time after it has stopped. The slideshow stops when interacting with the tab/accordion set.
Restart Timeout The time to wait before restarting the slideshow (in milliseconds).

Editor Button Options

Button Text Set the text to show in the button. You can use a language string.
Enable in frontend If enabled, it will also be available in the frontend.

Tag Syntax

Opening Tag (Tabs) The word used for the opening tags for tabs.
By default this is 'tab'. So an opening tag looks like:
{tab title="My Tab Title"}

You can change the word if you are using another plugin that uses this tag syntax.
Closing Tag (Tabs) The word used for the closing tag for tabs.
By default this is 'tabs'. So an closing tag looks like:

You can change the word if you are using another plugin that uses this tag syntax.
Opening Tag (Accordions) The word used for the opening tags for accordions
By default this is 'accordion'. So an opening tag looks like:
{accordion title="My Tab Title"}

You can change the word if you are using another plugin that uses this tag syntax.
Closing Tag (Accordions) The word used for the closing tag for accordions
By default this is 'accordions'. So an closing tag looks like:

You can change the word if you are using another plugin that uses this tag syntax.
Tag Characters The surrounding characters of the tag syntax.
Note: If you change this, all existing tags will not work anymore.
Options: {...}, [...], {{...}}, [[...]], [:...:], [%...%]


Title tag This is the tag type used for the tab and accordion titles.
Use URL Hash If selected, the active tab or accordion can be set via the hash fragment in the URL (#my-tab-title) and will be added to the URL when a tab or accordion is activated
Hide Inactive Content Adds a hidden="true"attribute to inactive (closed) tabs and accordions. This is necessary for accessibility reasons. If this causes problems with your template, you can disable this option.
Remember Active Items If selected, the active tab/accordion will be remembered when the page is reloaded.
Disable on Components Select in which frontend components NOT to enable the use of this extension.
Remove in Disabled Components If selected, the plugin syntax will get removed from the component. If not, the original plugins syntax will remain intact.
Enable in administrator If enabled, the plugin will also work in the administrator side of the website.
Normally you will not need this. And it can cause unwanted effects, like slowing down the administrator and the plugin tags being handled in areas you don't want it.
Place HTML comments By default HTML comments are placed around the output of this extension.
These comments can help you troubleshoot when you don't get the output you expect.
If you prefer to not have these comments in your HTML output, turn this option off.