Articles Anywhere is packed with options, giving you control over how it works and behaves. Here is the full list of the options you can find in the Articles Anywhere system plugin settings:


Add Ellipsis If enabled, an ellipsis ... will be added to the end of texts that are limited to a number of characters/words.
Can be overruled via the tag like: [intotext words="50" add-ellipsis="false"]
Increase Hits Select to have the articles hits counter increase when using the [text] or [fulltext] data tags.
Add Title to Read More Select to add the title of the article to the read more buttons by default. This setting can be overridden with the add-title attribute.

Multiple Articles

Articles Limit Define the default maximum articles to return with the articles tag.
Default: 100.
Order By Define the default article ordering to use for the articles tag.
Default: Article Order
Ordering Direction Select the direction you would like Articles to be ordered by.
Default: Ascending
Output When Empty An optional text the {articles} tag will output if no articles are found matching the given filters.
Include Subcategories If set to None, only articles from the categories in the filter will show. If a number, all articles from the categories in the filter and its the subcategories up to and including that level will show.


Enable Pagination Select to add pagination by default.
Articles per Page Set the maximum number of articles per page.
Position Set the position of the navigation. This can be either at the top of the output by Articles Anywhere. Or at the bottom. Or both.
Pagination Results Show or hide pagination results information, for example, "Page 1 of 4".
Page URL Parameter Set the Page URL Parameter to use for the pagination links.


Image Resizing

Resize Images If selected, resized images will be automatically created for images if they do not exist yet.
No: Don't resize images
Standard: Only resize when dimensions are given
Always resize images
Can be overruled via the tag like: [image-fulltext resize="true"]
Resize Method Set the type of resizing.
Scale: The resized image will be resized to the maximum width or height maintaining its aspect ratio.
Crop: The resized image will be cropped to have the set width and height (both dimensions specified).
Can be overruled via the tag like: [image-fulltext resize-type="crop"]
Scale using fixed... When "Resize Method" is set to "Scale":
Select whether to resize images using the maximum width or height. The other dimension will be calculated based on the aspect ratio of the original image.
Width Set the width of the resized image in pixels.
Can be overruled via the tag like: [image-fulltext width="200"]
Height Set the height of the resized image in pixels.
Can be overruled via the tag like: [image-fulltext height="200"]
Folder The folder containing the resized images. This will be a subfolder of the folder containing your original images.
Only on Filetypes Select the filetypes to do resizing on.
Options: GIF, JPG, PNG.
JPG Quality The quality of the resized images. Choose from Low, Medium or High. The higher the quality, the larger the resulting files. This only affects jpeg images.
Options: Low, Medium, High.
Max Age The maximum age of the resized image in days. If the resized image is older than this, it will be recreated.
Set to 0 to never recreate the resized image if they already exist.
Use Retina Images If selected, double size images will be created and used for retina displays.
Retina Pixel Density The pixel density of retina displays. This is the density at which the double sized retina image is used.

Image Alt/Title Attributes

Cross-Fill If enabled, an empty image alt attribute will be filled with the value of the title attribute. And an empty title attribute will be filled with the value of the alt attribute.
Default Alt/Title Values
for Intro Image, Full Article Image, Category Image, Content Images, Youtube Thumbnails, Media Custom Fields.
Select how the image alt and title attributes will automatically be set when empty.
Options: None, File Name, Article Title, Category Title, Custom Field Name.
Case Auto Titles Select the way the auto title based on the file name should be cased.
Options: None, lowercase, UPPERCASE, Uppercase first letter, Titlecase (Uppercase All Words), Smart Titlecase (No Uppercasing of Certain Words).
Lowercase Words A comma separated list of words of which the first word should be lowercase in the auto titles.
Default: a,the,to,at,in,with,and,but,or.

External Images

Download External Images Select to download external images to your server. This will also resize the images, if the settings appply.
Download Folder Enter the folder to download the external images to. The images will be placed in folders based on the external domain and path.


Youtube Embed Domain Select which domain to use for the youtube embed tags. Either the normal domain ( or the Cookieless domain (

Options: Normal, No Cookies


Ignore Language AssignmeNT
- Articles
- Categories PRO
- Tags PRO
If selected, the language assignment will be ignored.
Can be overruled via the tag like: {article title="My Article" ignore-language="true"}
Ignore Access Level
- Articles
- Categories PRO
- Tags PRO
If selected, the access level selection will be ignored.
Can be overruled via the tag like: {article title="My Article" ignore-access="true"}
Ignore Publish State
- Articles
- Categories PRO
- Tags PRO
If selected, the publishing state (and dates) will be ignored.
Can be overruled via the tag like: {article title="My Article" ignore-state="true"}

Security Options PRO


These settings have an effect on Articles and Categories.

Enable in articles Select whether to enable the use of the syntax in articles.
Security Level Set the level of security. Articles Anywhere tags will be stripped from articles with an owner (creator) below this group level.


These settings have an effect on the component area.
You can select in which components Articles Anywhere should not be enabled. Advice is to not allow Articles Anywhere in components that non-backend users can post content in.

Enable in components Select whether to enable the use of the syntax in components.
Disable on Components Select in which components NOT to enable the use of the syntax in. This is a list of your installed frontend components.
Remove in Disabled Components If selected, the plugin syntax will get removed from the component. If not, the original plugins syntax will remain intact.

Other Areas

These settings have an effect on areas outside the component area (so in Modules and the rest of the website).

Enable other areas Select whether to enable the use of the syntax in all remaining areas, like the modules. The tag will not be handled/shown in the html head (META tags and such).

Editor Button Options

Button Text This text will be shown in the Editor Button.
Enable in frontend If enabled, it will also be available in the frontend.

Tag Syntax

Article tag The word to be used in the tags.
Note: If you change this, all existing tags will not work anymore.
Articles tag. The word to be used in the tags for multiple articles.
Note: If you change this, all existing tags will not work anymore.
Tag Characters The surrounding characters of the tag syntax.
Note: If you change this, all existing tags will not work anymore.
Options: {...}, [...], {{...}}, [[...]], [:...:], [%...%].
Data Tag Character The surrounding characters of the tag syntax.
Note: If you change this, all existing tags will not work anymore.
Options: {...}, [...], {{...}}, [[...]], [:...:], [%...%].


Fix HTML Select to let the extension fix any html structure issues it finds. This is often necessary to deal with surrounding html tags.
Only switch this off if you have issues with this.
Can be overruled via the tag like: {article title="My Article" fixhtml="true"}
Handle HTML Head Select to have the plugin also handle the HTML head section.
Please not that this can potentially cause unwanted html to be placed inside the HTML head tags and cause HTML syntax issues.
Strip HTML in Head Select to strip html tags from the output of the plugin inside the HTML Head section
Force Content Triggers Enable to make Articles Anywhere pass the content generated through the layout data tags to the content plugins before outputting it. Only enable this if you experience issues. Enabling this can cause content plugins to be triggered multiple times and may affect the rendering speed.
Disable in Sourcerer Select to disable the plugin inside Sourcerer tags.
Cache DB Queries Select to cache database queries. This can greatly speed up pages for areas that are not cached by Joomla.
Cache Time The maximum length of time in minutes for a cache file to be stored before it is refreshed.
Leave empty to use the Joomla default cache time found in the Global Configuration.
Add Queries Stack Trace Comments Select to add stack trace comments to the main database queries Articles Anywhere makes. You can see these comments in your server database logs. These comments can be used for debugging purposes. Switching this option on might, however, have a small negative impact on the execution time of your pages. So use with care and only when you really need it.
Place HTML comments By default HTML comments are placed around the output of this extension.
These comments can help you troubleshoot when you don't get the output you expect.
If you prefer to not have these comments in your HTML output, turn this option off.
Registered URL Params Enter the url parameters that you want to get registered.
Different values on these parameters will create unique caches, when using Joomla cache.

For more information on this, see Joomla Cache & Registered URL Params.
Databases With the Joomla 4 version of Articles Anywhere, you can now get articles even from another Joomla site / database.
To add an external Database, you need to give it an identifying "name" for Articles Anywhere, and then enter the various database information: type, host, username, password, db name and table prefix.

For more information on this, see External Databases.